Independence of Mexico nostalgic party in Germany
Every September 16, the Independence of Mexico is celebrated in Mexico and also in foreign countries. My friends from Mexico invited me on September 19, 2008 to celebrate it when…
Visit from a friend, a short connection back to home
When someone travels far away, is pleasant to see a familiar face most of the time. Since I was abroad in my exchange year in Germany, everything and everyone was…
Language School, a secure Deal for better Skills in German.
Before I started regular classes at my german high school, Otto Hahn Gymnasium in Bergish Gladbach, my exchange agency told me that I must have German classes in a language…
Interview to the Exchange Students in the Newspaper
Our exchange advisor told us that he has arranged a meeting with a local newspaper from Bergisch Gladbach. The purpose was to interview the exchange students from his agency, which…
Culture Shock: my first contact in few weeks in Germany
During my first months in Germany, I was thrilled but also shocked. Many of the initial culture shocks that I perceived will be written here. Like my homeland Ecuador, Germany…
Night Life in Germany and the Elusive Obvious
Spending a few occasions out to see the night life in Germany was genuinely fun and different but it wasn't exempt from shocks and differences. This stories are mainly from…
Weed in Germany, how I met it and my shocking reactions.
To many germans, it was inconceivable that I have never smoked weed (cannabis) when I lived in Ecuador. In their minds, South America was the fabric of marihuana for the…
The Dark Lonely Street; A story of Drinking Beer in Germany
An event that I consider to be a very important culture shock during my exchange year and it shaped in a positive way the image I had about Germany. I…
First Day in Cologne, Germany: my Host City
I had an eager desire to explore my new host city in Germany. How was it like? Did it had monumental landmarks? My host family from Brück already told me…
First Days in Germany during my Exchange Year
After a few hours of traveling, I arrived from Düsseldorf to Cologne. I was going to spend my first days in Germany and I was really excited about what it…
Crossing the Atlantic, how I got to Germany
?? I was going to travel being 17 years old. Crossing the Atlantic wasn't habitual to me; it was the longest trip I have ever made until that date. I…
Homeland for the last time before my year in Germany
?? Finally, on May 12, 2008, I got my first response from my exchange family via email. This of course thrilled me very much and gave me peace of mind…
But why Germany? My choice of cultural exchange. Part I.
?? Hello again! I’m Juditova. This post is about a few previous stories on how I began to develop an interest for Germany. On later years, this was going to…
My Exchange Year in Germany 2008 – 2009
The purpose behind the “student cultural exchange program”or "exchange year", as it is known officially, is to learn about people from foreign countries and from other cultures, in the strictest…
Llapingachos, a recipe for the potato and cheese lovers
I prepared this recipe for the first time when I was in Germany in 2008 for my exchange families. The Llapingachos has been ever since, my presentation card for many…