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Welcome to the podcast(s) from voyageLlama. I invite you, dear reader, to explore the episodes available. Feel free to browse from the entire catalog, listen and enjoy the ones that appeal to you and skip the ones that don't. If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcasts and giving an honest review.

Why podcasting anyway?

Is podcast still a good platform? Yes! In order to build a lasting and trustworthy relationship with the readers of voyageLlama, we decided to bring podcast to our website in order to bring a more pleasant and enjoyable way for the the stories, advices, recipes and more. Not only from your hosts, Juditova & Fran Sepu, but from guests as well. You will meet travelers that share their point of view in multiple topics.

Right now, we have only have a podcast in Spanish. We will upload eventually a translated transcript for you to enjoy.


Audioviajes: Experiencias Exquisitas
Audioviajes: Experiencias Exquisitas

Juditova and Fran Sepu from the blog voyageLlama.com reveal their interesting travel experiences and real reasons to leave the house to discover our amazing world. Discover how to live like someone else so that you too can travel and experience. Since 2020, both authors decided to write about stories and since then they explain what succeeded, what failed and what they learned while they were not safe at home. A journey into the unknown and a culture other than your own sounds awkward, but not when following these tips. By listening to this podcast, you will learn how to travel, earn money traveling, how to live in another country, how to live another culture, integrate with the natives, get out of your comfortable zone (or comfort zone), live day to day, reasons to travel and why it will help you understand yourself; thus, have a life with more achievements and successes, significantly reducing regrets. The podcast will be diverse with interviews, confessions, and monologues that you don't want to miss. Click Subscribe and get ready to experience other cultures and territories.

Listen to the trailer

Find out what is this podcast about, told by the hosts.

Explore the episodes!

[fusebox_full_player style=”dark” permalink=”https://www.voyagellama.com/podcast” ]

Podcast Resources

We have dedicated this page to make a list of the equipment suggested for podcasting.

Samson Q2U
Samson Q2U