Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

When I called back, the Peruvian scooterists answered…

??Saying thanks wasn't enough. They received me, not only once but twice. The first time, when I was heading south towards Chile, and again when I was heading back towards Ecuador, one year later. In both occasions, I felt like I was at home. I consider them friends and probably you too, my dear reader. Enjoy the pictures as much as I do because you will feel its energy. That's why these Peruvian scooterists clubs, Lambrespas, Scooter Clásicos Perú and Vespa Club Perú, became friends of this South American Nomad.

vespa Peru
Lambrespas great Scooterist
Scooter Clasicos Peru
Scooter Classicos Peru vintage and great bikers
vespa club Peru
Vespa Club Peru group with old and new bikes
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru

??Decirles gracias simplemente no basta, me recibieron no una sino dos veces tanto de ida como de regreso, y en ambas ocasiones me hicieron sentir en casa…los considero amigos. pienso, mi querido amigo lector, que cuando veas las fotos podrás entender la intensidad y la gran energía de estas personas fantásticas, el porqué los Lambrespas, Scooter Clásicos Peru, Vespa Club Peru, se volvieron amigos de este Nomada Sudamericano…

  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru

?? I would like to name all of them but I would never finish the entire list to say thank to all of you amazing Peruvian scooterists!!!

??Quisiera de todo corazón nombrarlos a todos y contar todas las anécdotas vividas pero no terminaría nunca, espero que reciban este pequeño homenaje con cariño y que sepan que tienen mi aprecio hoy y siempre… Gracias a todos…!!! a todos ellos y todos los que pudiera olvidar GRACIAS, no dejen jamás sus ganas, su buena onda y su Pasión…!

?? Fabián R, Mariano E, Eduardo H, Beto C, Sebastian C, Alex C, Mariella C, Mais A, Yanfredy M, Connie S, Claudio H, Alejandra P, Shewa V, Angelo R, Paola I, Karen S, Gianfranco G, Ricardo R, Daniel V, Paola R, Kristen y Nico G, Lucia C, Marilina A, Carlos S, Franco R, Kenny C, Natsumi N, Alejandro S, Macarena P, Maria Julia R,

  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
  • scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru

What's next?

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??¡No te olvides de seguirnos a voyageLlama en Instagram!

??Follow us on our social media, remember to keep writing about what would you like us to write about. See you next week with more adventures of a South American Nomad.

??Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales y recuerden seguir enviándonos sus preguntas y los temas sobre los que quisieran que hablemos. ¡Nos vemos la próxima semana con mas aventuras de un Nomada Sudamericano!

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