Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

I earned their trust

young scooterist
new generations of classic scooterist

?? After the fix, Lima was very very fun. With my new Peruvian scooterists friends, we rode across all the city. Mariano, Eduardo, Fabian were the hosts since they welcomed me at their houses so I could have a great time.

??Lima una ciudad super divertida en compañía de este grupo de personas agradables, de hecho Mariano, Eduardo, Fabian me recibieron en diferentes momentos en sus casas, dejándome en ellas como si fueran mías,

?? I remember Mariano saying “You can stay at my house, I'll be back in four days because I going surfing at the north”. Eduardo showed me the city and taught me details about how to fix La Balita. Fabian had a room in his house for me and he showed me with enthusiasm all of his bikes to ride around. These three guys were very kind and gentle with me.

scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru

??recuerdo las palabras de Mariano ¨te quedas en tu casa, yo vuelvo en cuatro días por que me voy a surfear al norte¨, Eduardo llevándome por la ciudad y enseñándome detalles de como arreglar la balita, Fabián en su casa, tenia una habitación dispuesta para mi y sus motos para poder dar una vuelta, todos siempre muy amables y cariñosos…

scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru

Contact with Peruvian Scooterists

??I met so many Peruvian scooterists enthusiasts and they were always keeping an eye for me. This way, enjoying the city was easier with their company. Also, they sponsored me and helped me to get the front grill for La Balita and it was easier, safer and more comfortable for it to carry my luggage.

??Conocí a tantos amigos, que siempre estaban pendientes de mi, alegres y siempre disfrutando de la ciudad y claro en su compañía. También el grupo me auspició la parrilla delantera para la balita, así podría llevar el equipaje de una manera mas confortable, fácil y segura…

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  • scooter Lima
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  • scooterist lima
  • scooterist lima
  • vespa, lambretta, Lima Peru
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  • vespa, lambretta, Lima Peru
  • scooterist girls and boys
  • classic scooter
scooter motorcyclist Lima Peru
Mistakes when parking in
Lima Peru

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