Table of Contents
Ride to the Unknown…
?? The whole ride was 350 km long, passing through mountain higher than 4000m above the sea level. One place which we drove through is called Papallacta and you can find there rain, wind and fog until we got into the jungle in Baeza. in the road to El Puyo.
?? El viaje de aproximadamente 350km pasando por altitudes de mas de 4000 msnm en Papallacta, para luego atravesar neblina, lluvia, viento, hasta llegar a la selva en Baeza – Ecuador en camino a El Puyo.
Drastic climate changes
?? It's a very warm place and I realized the weather changed drastically because now it was raining warm drops! It was an amazing because it is full of trees and vegetation. Very exotic place even for an Ecuadorian like me! We enjoyed a meal and we kept riding.
??Ya lugares cálidos, en los que si te das cuenta querido lector, el clima cambia bruscamente, en ese momento caían gotas enormes de lluvia las mismas que estaban calientes, muchísimos arboles llenos de votación, algo muy lindo y exótico hasta para un Ecuatoriano como yo, comimos algo rápidamente y seguimos la ruta…
?? On that day, we rode for about 18 hours with our scooters. Therefore, we were so tired and some bikes failed due the rain. Fortunately, La Balita kept going on every time I turned it on, without any problems, which made me quite happy about it! I felt even more secure on its tires.
??Ese día recorrimos mas de 18 horas en nuestras vespas, estábamos muy cansados, algunas fallaban en ocasiones por la lluvia, pero La Balita estaba perfecta y sin problemas, eso realmente me ponía muy feliz cada vez que encendía y me estaba sintiendo cada vez mas seguro en sus ruedas.
Goal from El Avispero!
??We arrived that evening very tired. We enjoyed some drinks at night with the guys from El Avispero club and we went to sleep. Next day, there was a 250Km trip back to Quito.
?? Esa noche llegamos muy cansados, tomamos un par de bebidas con los amigos y a dormir por que el regreso al día siguiente serian otros 250kms aproximadamente.
La Balita reliability…
?? The return trip was relaxed because I finally realized that La Balita never failed. The landscape was beautiful surrounded by mountains, snow-covered peaks, volcanos and now with new friends. This unforgetable experience was extraordinary (literally) because that's how this rider started to become a South American nomad.
?? El viaje de regreso fue hermoso, por que finamente me daba cuenta de que la balita jamás s falló, el paisaje era hermoso, rodeado de montañas, nevados y volcanes, ahora, junto a nuevos amigos, esta fue una experiencia extraordinaria, que sin duda no olvidaré, por que así fue como este motociclista se iba convirtiendo en un asomada sudamericano..
So, why the name anyway?
?? I decided to call my motorcycle La Balita because she is grey and isn't fast; there you get the irony.
?? Decidí llamar mi moto la balita por que es gris como una bala pero no es rápida, esa es la ironía de la vida.
Share and Follow!
?? Thank you for all your comments. Keep sending your questions because we love to read you. If there's something that you would like us to talk about, don't hesitate to say it loud! Make sure to follow our social media as well.
?? Gracias a todos por sus comentarios, sigan enviándonos sus preguntas, nos encanta leerles, y si hay algo delo que quisieran que hablemos no olviden decirlo..! Sigannos en nuestras redes sociales…
voyageLlama's Index of Content
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Keep Reading!
- How do Americans think? A letter from an expatIn this letter, an expat living in USA tell us how do Americans think through his eyes and experience. Click here to read.
- Study in Portugal, an exciting journey in this whopping World?Find reasons to study in Portugal from the perspective of Juditova. Is it appropriate for you too?. Click here to read.
- Phantasialand, an immersive theme park in GermanyPhantasialand is a theme park located near Bonn. The exchange students went there to enjoy the ride. Click here to read.
- Independence of Mexico nostalgic party in GermanyThe Independence of Mexico was celebrated by classmates during a nostalgic party in Germany but I had to avoid neonazis. Click here to read.
- Visit from a friend, a short connection back to homeDuring the exchange year, I faced loneliness a few times. Luckily, I got a visit from a friend from my country. Click here to read.