El Avispero in Quito and my First Trip in Scooter

El Avispero in Quito and my First Trip in Scooter

A new bee on the honeycomb

El Avispero Quito

?? So when I was in Quito, I needed to figure out how to move around and I didn’t have any car. I actually used to think that Vespa scooters were “lady’s bikes” but once I used La Balita, I discovered that they are great, strong and comfortable and for everybody. I ended up buying this small scooter to ride across Quito.

?? Como les decía antes, cuando estaba en Quito necesitaba movilizarme, y no tenia vehículo, yo solía pensar que las vespas de alguna manera son ¨motos para señoritas, pero una vez que consume la balita me enamoré y descubrí que son fantásticas, fuertes y confortables, entonces compré la balita para recorrer Quito.

Some scooter club called El Avispero

?? I remember looking at some social media and I found “El Avispero Quito”; a group of scooter riders and enthusiasts. I contacted them and I joined quickly.

?? Recuerdo que por una red social encontré ¨El Avispero Quito¨ y rápidamente me sumé a ellos.

?? I got accepted in this group of nice people. They teached me a lot about Vespa motorcycles; just in case La Balita gets broken down.

I got backup

?? I met Don Napo, a pleasant gentleman who used to repair motorcycles and scooters for decades. Since he knows them from inside out, we prepared ourselves for our first trip to Baños de Agua Santa, a small village at the side of Tungurahua volcano. It was supposed out first long trip together and the first long trip of this group.

?? For sure I was very nervous about traveling in la balita, I didn’t realize how strong she is, but keep going with the idea.

?? Los integrantes de éste célebre grupo Ecuatoriano me aceptaron y rápidamente me enseñaron de sus vespas, detalles sobre como arreglar a la balita cuando se dañaba

?? Así me presentaron a Don Napo, quien es un agradable caballero algo entrado en años quien solía reparar vespas durante décadas, y las conoce al derecho y al revés, con el preparamos la balita para EL VIAJE, el primer viaje largo de El Avispero, iríamos a Baños de agua santa, es una pintoresca ciudad que se encuentra a las faldas del volcan Tungurahua.

First scooter trip and my new friends from El Avispero…

?? If I tell you that I wasn't nervous, it would be a (white) lie. It was my first trip together with La Balita and the guys from El Avispero club. But I haven't realized yet how strong La Balita actually was.

?? Decir que no estaba nervioso sería mentira, este era nuestro primer viaje juntos, la balita y yo, los chicos del avispero y yo, es qué, claramente, no me había dado cuenta de lo fuerte que era la balita.

It starts

?? The first day at 7am we met with another 25 scooters enthusiasts. Unfortunately, some of their motorcycles failed and they stayed in Quito. Around 20 riders actually rode out of the city.

?? Nos encontramos a las 7 am para partir, al rededor de 25 motociclistas con sus motos, todos emocionados, aunque varios de ellos se quedaron en la ciudad por fallas en sus motos. Continuamos aproximadamente 20 motos.

We never imagined that everyone in this picture will become scooter travelers around South America.

In Good Company

?? One of the travelers is called Ilario Lavarra, a quite a friendly person. He marked me as an inspiration to become later a scooterist traveler. He is Italian and has travelled from Italy to North America. Nowadays, he is going to Ushuaia.

?? A este viaje se sumaron dos viajeros que sin duda marcarían mi futuro como despista. Ilario Lavarra, un chico italiano que había recorrido Europa, y norteamerica, ahora estaba en camino a Ushuaia.

?? A couple of lovers came from Colombia in a Vespa joined this trip. They decided to ride across South America on their bike. A great company to start a trip.

?? Así también, una pareja de amigos colombianos enamorados que venían en su vespa y decidieron viajar al sur en ella.

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