Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

??Welcome again, I'm El Sepu and today we are going to talk about friends who I met in Peru. They belong to a Peruvian scooterists club and they share many…
Cacık, the delicious salty yoğurt

Cacık, the delicious salty yoğurt

Normally, yogurt for me is a sweet and medium viscous drink. In the supermarket you can find many flavours, such as fruit or diet for example. However, when I travelled…
Adventure Motorcycle Gear, the Essentials

Adventure Motorcycle Gear, the Essentials

Hello and welcome back. I’m el Sepu and today we’re going to talk about the essential adventure motorcycle gear for a journey. ??Equipamiento Básico para Motociclismo de Aventura y Motociclismo…