Motorcyclist Katharina shares her exciting adventures on road.
How you started? like how old where you, and age bikes etc… When I was a teenager, I dreamed about motorbiking. But as usual: there was not the time nor…

Mancora, Peru ?? – Episode 2 of my South American Trip
??Welcome again to this place when we are going to talk about motorcycles, travel and how to enjoy your life differently. I am El Sepu and join me in this…
Peru ??, Episode 1 of my South American Trip
??Hello again! I'm El Sepu. Today we’re going to talk about Peru, the first country that I rode in this South American trip. ??Hola, bienvenidos nuevamente soy el Sepu y…
The Journey Begins, my first Hundred Kilometers
??Hello again! I'm El Sepu and today I'm going to share with you the some details the day that I departured. First, let's talk about the first kilometers of my…
El Avispero in Quito and my First Trip in Scooter
?? Hello again, It’s great to talk to you again. I'm El Sepu!!! Today I'm writing about the middle of the earth in the equatorial line. In this blog post,…
Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??
??Welcome again, I'm El Sepu and today we are going to talk about friends who I met in Peru. They belong to a Peruvian scooterists club and they share many…
Adventure Trip Supplies for getting around in Motorcycle
?? Welcome again. I'm El Sepu and today we are gonna talk about all that equipment and supplies necessary for an adventure trip. The upcoming recommendations will make your life…
Adventure Motorcycle Gear, the Essentials
Hello and welcome back. I’m el Sepu and today we’re going to talk about the essential adventure motorcycle gear for a journey. ??Equipamiento Básico para Motociclismo de Aventura y Motociclismo…
How to start a trip: South American Nomad.
Hello everyone. In this blog post I will talk about what I needed to do to move a step closer to my dream. How to start a trip? You will…
Why a Vespa? A South American Nomad explains it
When I was young, I fell in love with motorcycles with small and large engines. However, when I drove La Balita for the first time, it was a very different…