003 – Documents to travel. What will you need to facilitate your expedition in distant lands?

003 – Documents to travel. What will you need to facilitate your expedition in distant lands?

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# 003 – Before traveling anywhere, make sure that all your travel documents are up to date and that the expiration date is not less than 6 months. This goes beyond your passport because some extra items are required to stay!

Original post: https://www.voyagellama.com/blog/documents-for-traveling/
Foreign Ministry of Ecuador. Countries where Ecuadorians do not need a visa to enter: https://www.cancilleria.gob.ec/paises-que-no-requieren-visa-de-ingreso-a-ciudadanos-ecuatorianos/
Cheaper Flights Guide: https://www.voyagellama.com/blog/cheaper-flights/


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Juditova:[00:00:00] What is the most important thing about a trip? I am not referring to the interest of knowing a country or a region or knowing whether or not we are tolerant to a meal. One of the most important details of any trip will always be the documents. Dear listeners, listen to it very clearly, these can facilitate or hinder our experiences. Make yourself comfortable because now you will know why.

Juditova:[00:00:43] Welcome to the Audioviajes podcast. I am Juditova, traveler, backpacker and polyglot. I will be your host with Fran Sepu, co-author of voyageLlama. We will tell you fascinating stories from around the world, interview other travelers and help you take the first step. You can find episode notes, the transcript and much more by going to voyageLlama.com/podcast. Here we go.

Juditova:[00:01:19] Before traveling anywhere, make sure all your documents are up to date and that the expiration date is not below six months. This episode goes beyond the passport, simply because there are other elements necessary for the trip.

Juditova:[00:01:42] Identity documents. The travel document depends entirely on the country of destination. That is, the country where you want to travel. There are countries that only require your identity card or national identity document. Others require a passport without a visa. Others the passport with visa. The visa is a permit usually granted in a consulate or embassy of the destination country within your country, which is granted or rejected after an interview. This corresponds to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Foreign Ministry office of your country and the equivalent office of the country of destination. This matter is out of your control. All you have to do is find out the requirements that your destination country has for your country. They are usually displayed on a website. For example, there is a page that I will leave in the description of this episode where it shows which countries an Ecuadorian like me can travel without a visa. I can go to Colombia only with my identity card or DNI that is issued by the State. On the other hand, I can go to Russia or Turkey only with my passport. That is, I do not need any arrangement or prior notification or an appointment with the embassy to apply for a visa. In other cases, such as going to the United States, I need a passport with the visa issued from that country.

Juditova:[00:03:31] Police record. If you are going to work with children or have a certain degree of responsibilities to other people in your destination country, this document will help you get a job or make an institution trust you more. Among the documents to travel it is not the most important, but it will help you a lot. Now we go to health.

Juditova:[00:04:04] Vaccines. Make sure you have all the vaccines that your destination country requests for you, if there are any. For example, Brazil requires or required for many years that tourists be vaccinated against yellow fever before entering the country. Insurance We could have an accident or need medical assistance while we are out of our country. We meet fewer people here than in our home country. You have to take this matter very seriously. There are some countries where you can travel without having purchased insurance. Others will demand that you have to carry insurance before entering the destination country. In the case that you are allowed to enter without insurance, you can take international insurance from your country of origin or buy local insurance in your country of destination. If you are applying for a residence permit or to extend the one you already have. Make sure you buy the insurance that matches or ties the days of your stay with the insurance. Blood type. After deciding on insurance, it is recommended that you bring your blood type certificate. I hope you don't need a blood transfusion while you're away from home. Now we are going to talk about education.

Juditova:[00:05:43] If you are away for studies or work, it is a good idea to carry your certificate or diploma from your college, high school, or higher education with you. You don't know when you will need them. Can you imagine calling your mother or father across the ocean to have a scanned copy sent to you? Among the certificates or diplomas that you should bring are curriculum vitae or CV or resume or summary, course diploma, language certificate and other similar documents.

Juditova:[00:06:27] Work if you have previously worked in another place and consequently have experience in the related profession, it is a good idea that you carry a labor certificate. It will allow you to find an easier job, although not guaranteed, because you are going to a place where no one knows you and no one has references from you. Letters of recommendation come in here. If you know someone with prestige or in a position of power related to the job they are applying for, you can please ask them to help you with a document where they specify that you are a trusted person and do not forget to ask this as a favor. It will give your next boss or collaborator more social proof or social validity and therefore more opportunity to be hired.

Juditova:[00:07:28] Transportation tickets. Before reading further, be sure to read my guide to finding cheaper flights, which I will leave in the description of this video. I bet it will be very useful to you. Without a plane, train, bus or boat ticket you can't go anywhere. Perhaps among the most important travel documents. Always consider and keep in mind that these few items do not have unpleasant surprises later, buy the ticket after you have the visa or residence permit. Make sure you know how much luggage you can take and write your full name on all tickets.

Juditova:[00:08:21] Get in touch with the embassy. If you plan to stay in a country for more than 3 months, it is recommended that you notify your country's embassy in the destination country. It does not matter if the embassy is located in another city. Consider that this is your bond between your country and you, that is, relatives, work, civil documentation and other things that will be useful to you. If something bad happens to you, they can notify your acquaintances about the event.

Juditova:[00:09:04] Banks if you are going to use the credit card of your country of origin while you are in your country of destination, notify your bank. In which countries will you be and on what date exactly. Next I am going to read you a letter that I have written to my bank to notify about a trip that I was going to do. Good morning, I Juditova with identification number 0123, I want to register the use of my credit card ending in 3210 in the following countries: Turkey from date A to date B. Russia from date B to date C. States Joined from date C To date D. Ecuador from date D, onwards. Please authorize my credit card for possible purchases in these countries only on the specified dates. Kind regards, Juditova. Do you find these measures a bit crazy or maybe a bit paranoid? The truth is that you will appreciate doing this when you have a charge on the credit card that you did not make in the country where you were, dates later. If you do not keep the ticket with which you left that country or if you do not notify your card so that the payment is not validated, it is very likely that you will regret it. As an authentication method, your bank asks you for an authenticator, a validation or coordinate card, or any other two-step process. Since you cannot visit your bank at all while you are traveling, while you are away. Make sure you have everything you need to do any procedure from abroad. Via Internet. Oh, and make sure the expiration date of your credit card is up to date for your trip. You know, you do not want to be with an expired card in the middle of the trip.

Juditova:[00:11:34] Conclusions. Remember that documents open doors for you, so don't neglect these important issues. It's worth going through the entire list a couple of times beforehand to make sure you don't have an unpleasant surprise during the trip. Don't forget to listen to this episode before your next trip. Are you agree with the list? Do you think there is a missing document that you find very important to travel? I will leave the link to the original publication where you can share and comment your opinion on it. If you liked this episode and the podcast in general, don't forget to leave us a positive review wherever you listen to your podcast. I am Juditova and I hope you will listen to the next episode. Click on Subscribe so you don't miss it. All the best.

Juditova:[00:12:38] That's it for this episode. I hope you had your moment of. For more stories and cultural experiences, interviews AND tips, visit the website voyagellama.com/podcast. I'm Juditova and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode. Until next time.

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