001 – What is Audioviajes? Introduction to the program with Juditova

001 – What is Audioviajes? Introduction to the program with Juditova

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About the Episode

# 001 – Welcome to the first episode of Audioviajes, the voyageLlama podcast. Juditova presents the show and reveals some themes from the following episodes. You can see more travel related topics in this link

I hope you enjoy the first episode and are so excited to find out how to decrease the distance between you and your desired journey.

This episode was produced thanks to the help of my teacher Henry Chiqui .


¿Qué es Audioviajes?

Descubre nuevas culturas y obtén consejos de viaje con Juditova y Fran Sepu del blog voyagellama.com. Aprende cómo vivir en otro país, qué llevar en tu viaje en moto, a experimentar diferentes culturas y qué necesitas para tu travesía submarina; todo presentado como audio viajes.
Al escuchar este podcast en español, obtendrás consejos para viajar económicamente, salir de tu zona de confort (o comodidad), ganar dinero viajando, aprender nuevos idiomas, entenderte a ti mismo y expandir tus horizontes para que des el primer paso y salgas a conocer el mundo; de esa manera, tener una vida con más logros y aciertos, reduciendo significativamente los arrepentimientos.
En cada episodio, los anfitriones comparten historias y experiencias, entrevistan a expertos en viajes, ofrecen recomendaciones y consejos para viajeros, nómadas, aventureros, trotamundos, políglotas, entusiastas, moteros, caminantes y exploradores. Suscríbete ahora para no perderte ningún episodio.

¡Escucha el trailer!

¿Quiénes son los anfitriones?


Viajero, mochilero y políglota.


Fran Sepu

Médico – Viajero – Aventurero – Motocicliste 🛵🏍 – Buceador 🤿- Bloguero de Viajes 🇪🇨🇵🇪🇧🇴🇨🇱🇦🇷🇺🇾🇧🇷🇵🇾🇺🇸🇪🇸🇮🇹🇦🇩🇸🇲🇻🇦🇫🇷🇸🇮🇭🇺🇷🇴🇨🇴🇬🇧🇲🇨🇵🇦

Fran Sepu
Fran Sepu

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Visítanos para conocer sobre experiencias de viajes, recetas, consejos y mucho más:

Blog: www.voyagellama.com

MÚSICA: Canción compuesta y producida por Nicolas Jeudy y DARK FANTASY STUDIO. Utilizada bajo la licencia PREMIUM. Página web: http://darkfantasystudio.com


Juditova:[00:00:00] Hello dear travelers. Welcome to the first episode of the Audio Viajes podcast. This installment will serve as a brief introduction to our show and we will show you what you can find in the following episodes. If you feel like traveling or living in another country, stay with us to find out. Let us begin.

[00:00:32] Welcome to the Audioviajes podcast. I am Juditova: traveler, backpacker and polyglot. I will be your host with Fran Sepu, co-author of voyageLlama. We will tell you fascinating stories from around the world, interview other travelers and help you take the first step. You can find episode notes, the transcript and much more by going to voyagellama.com/podcast. Here we go.

Juditova:[00:01:06] Welcome to the first episode of Audioviajes, the voyageLlama podcast. I'm filming this episode on June 16, 2021, and I'm doing it from my makeshift studio. What a thrill! Well, let's go by steps.

Juditova:[00:01:27] Why does this podcast exist? What is the OBJETIVE? Ever since Buoy Llama was created, a person was had in mind, especially: The reader, or in this case the listener. It is true, you are the one who keeps the page alive and the reason why the authors of voyageLlama wrote the stories and advice. The goal was, and still is, to help reduce the distance between you and your desired journey. Whether you want to hike as a backpacker, cross a country on a motorcycle, or experience a foreign culture up close, this program is for you. In addition, this podcast will feel you moving, in another place and entertaining because you will delight in captivating stories with which you will momentarily escape.

[00:02:24] How can you get the most out of this program? What to do to travel? Each episode will not be sequential, that is, they will be independent, with varied themes and some with guests. With this you don't necessarily have to hear every episode to learn and get started. Each episode will be focused on a specific topic, for example, soon we will talk about a series of essential documents for a trip and other recommended ones. Another example, here you will listen to interviews with travelers that will help you better understand how to take advantage of the time you are away from home, understand other points of view and appreciate how other people react, enrich your perception of the world. You will hear some dangers and complications that may eventually appear, but do not forget the essentials of each trip. How to finance it?

[00:03:27] What makes the podcast interesting is that you can listen to the episodes in the background while you are doing other activities such as running, walking the dog, cat, llama, goose, pig, chicken, horse, cleaning your room, washing the car, motorcycle, tricycle, exercise, washing dishes so that your partner does not ... Well, you understand me. It's just a matter of putting on your headphones and figuratively disappearing for a few minutes.

[00:04:06] Who is the host? And who is talking to you all these minutes? My name is Juditova and I am your friend and presenter of Audioviajes. I am a person of flesh and blood, mortal, homo sapiens who has an interest in knowing the world, one country at a time. I was born in Ecuador, a country located in South America, my native language is Castilian or Spanish. I can summarize my reasons for traveling this way: Understanding how other people outside my culture think is my main objective or it would really be my subjective hehe. It all started when I began to write and learn about what life is like outside the borders of my country, preferably on another continent. I understood that if I wanted to write texts that are authentic and have a real connection with a culture of my interest, then my next goal is to live in those countries that I want to know and of course, learn from them. This obviously implies the relationship of these people with their environment, their climate, their food, their language. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. My wish is like a television channel explorer, of history.

[00:05:37] Until the recording date of this episode I have managed to live twice on two continents. They are two great trips that I have made. Specifically, I went to Europe and Asia. I was lucky, first of all, to live in Germany for about ten months. This country offers a lot of its history, it is culturally rich and invites you to discover it. I shared three roofs with three different families that allowed me for a time to feel part of the Germanic tribes, so to speak. Not all of them were good experiences, but I learned many valuable lessons that I will share in other episodes. After almost 11 years I traveled a little further. I went to Turkey to live in the Asian part. My idea was to understand and learn the Turkish language and enjoy its delicious food. Feeling part of the Turkish tribes, that is, of countries like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, among others. And live on my savings while they allowed me. I shared a house with other people and this time they weren't family, but strangers to each other. I only managed to subsist like this for five months. But it was already an unforgettable experience.

Juditova:[00:07:26] My co-host. This podcast is also hosted by Fran Sepu, a friend of mine since adolescence. Our episodes will be mixed with different but complementary themes. While I like cultural trips, where I get involved with people and their language, he loves motorcycle trips. One fine day, Fran Sepu fell in love with a Vespa motorcycle and named it Balita. It was then that he began to tour Ecuador, our country, on that small but robust motorcycle. A desire within him began to arise and he began to flirt with the dangerous idea of getting on that motorcycle to go to the end of the continent, literally to Patagonia. In 2013 he began a journey that would initially last a few months and only ten thousand miles. But, hehe, the story would turn out a little different because he would not return alone. Believe him to tell you the story himself in the next episode.

Juditova:[00:08:46] Reasons to travel. And why should you travel? In a book by Paul Pimsleur? The author talks about how people like to travel to understand themselves, that is, to see their ego or personality reflected in other people from different cultures. Well, having an experience abroad is intimidating, since fewer people know you, you still don't understand all the rules of society and you don't know who to turn to in an emergency. But this sense of adventure makes our days more memorable by being naturally more exciting. You will probably have more memories of your travels than of your ordinary days. Machiavelli had written about the human need for novelty. [00:09:40] Men desire novelty to such an extent that those who are doing well want change, just as much as those who are doing poorly. [00:09:50] There is also a quote about Gabriel Marcel that describes the person's relationship with his environment, which says [00:09:59] thus: The individual is not distinguished from his place, he is the place. [00:10:04]

Juditova:[00:10:08] Very well. Now that you know why you should travel, there is one more thing you must do essential for any trip. Subscribe to this podcast, wherever you are listening to it, so you can listen to future episodes, me as the host and the stories of all the guests that we will bring, as well as episodes where only we will speak. If you have any questions that you would like us to answer in this podcast, do not hesitate to visit our website www.voyagellama.com. There you can comment and follow us on our social networks. If you have an Instagram account, come and say 'hello', yes, just 'hello' in our public profile, which you can find through your web browser: www.voyagellama.com/instagram and you will find our llama with the Turkish hat called Fez. All links will be in the episode description.

Juditova: [00:11:16] In this podcast I have cited the following works: Niccolo Machiavelli, Peter Fontanela, Mark Mussa El Clavel y Portable Londres, Pingüino 2005, Edward Ralph, The place and the feeling of no place London - nineteen hundred and seventy-six Page 43 palpitated like learning a language Simon and Schuster Corporation, New York, 1980.

Juditova:[00:11:41] I say goodbye and I hope you have an excellent week. Thank you for staying until the last, until the end of the first episode of Audioviajes, the voyageLlama podcast. If you liked this episode, please leave us a positive review where you listen to the podcasts. Until next time. Greetings.

Juditova:[00:12:05] That's it for this episode. I hope you had your moment of disconnection. For more stories, cultural experiences, interviews and advice, visit the Juditova website: www.voyagellama.com/podcast. I'm Juditova and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode.

Juditova:[00:12:29] Song composed and produced by Nicolás Jeudy and Dark Fantasy Studio, (used) under the Premium license.

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