Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

Peruvian Scooterists Hospitality ??

??Welcome again, I'm El Sepu and today we are going to talk about friends who I met in Peru. They belong to a Peruvian scooterists club and they share many…
Adventure Motorcycle Gear, the Essentials

Adventure Motorcycle Gear, the Essentials

Hello and welcome back. I’m el Sepu and today we’re going to talk about the essential adventure motorcycle gear for a journey. ??Equipamiento Básico para Motociclismo de Aventura y Motociclismo…
Moscow, Day 3 of my Trip to Russia

Moscow, Day 3 of my Trip to Russia

The third day in Moscow was a little frustrated for me because I explored many places with few information background. Nevertheless, it was a great time and I enjoyed it…
Moscow, Day 1 of my Trip to Russia

Moscow, Day 1 of my Trip to Russia

I'm on my way to Moscow, Russia. It's 1:32am, I'm in Istanbul (IST). Traveling in the early morning is tired and you get hungry. If you travel with friends or…
Russia is around the corner.

Russia is around the corner.

I wasn't particularly sure when in my life I would go to Russia. It turns out that I need to go there, but why not enjoy it while I am…